Effective Communiation Skills Via NLP Techniques
Course Duration: 1 DayIntroduction
This program is dedicated to raise the level of preparedness for our generations to face the outside world and what is needed to curb with the ever-challenging situations that the world offers. In this comprehensive course, participants learn effective communication skills via proven NLP methods and interpersonal skills to frurther boost their confidence level.
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this program, the participants will be able to:
- Understand the aspects of effective communication
- Explain the importance of having teamwork
- Apply effective communication techniques
- Demonstrate effective leadership attributes within family and society
- Practice good interpersonal habits
Key Content
Module 1: Gearing Up for the Battle
- Understanding the basis of NLP in communication
- The difference between verbal and non-verbal
- Creating first impression
- Body language as communication tool
- Establishing rapport
- How a team develops
- The teamwork model
Module 2: Empowering Self Leadership
- Understanding the grounds of leadership
- Understand the expectation of being a role model
- The evolution of leadership
- The K.S.A Model
- The importance of self control
- Gaining respect, not demand
- Identifying key attitude and behavior of a team player
Module 3: Enabling Interpersonal Competency
- Understanding the concept of a Reframe
- Reframing as a booster
- Ensure being creative in solution
- Listening techniques
- Questioning techniques
- Adopting to the cultural norms in any situation
- Positive language and magic words
- Being able to think critically
- Act of being resilient in today's world
- Case study and scenarios assessment
Target Audience
The workshop is targeted at anybody in the organization that would like to learn how to communicate using NLP techniques.View more about Effective Communication Skills Via NLP Techniques on main site